Containers for change
BAG-Drop locations
Bag drops are located across all ABC sites.
Bag drops are available at all locations throughout the end of year closure period.
Need to get into contact with one of our containers for change sites?
View Opening Hours
Sign up for a scheme id today!
If you’re new to the scheme or just don’t have one yet, a scheme ID is a great way to receive your refund straight into your bank account.
Signing up for a Containers for Change scheme ID is easy, and can be done on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.
Just follow the steps below:
- Go to
- Select WA
- Click Sign Up – you will be redirected to a sign up page
- Select WA again
- Complete form
- Make sure to sign out of this page once completed
- Go to your email and follow the directions to Activate your account now. You will be redirected to confirm your password.
- Follow the steps
- Account Type
- Profile Information
- Financial Information (you will need your BSB and Account Number ready)
- Security Questions
- Review Terms and Conditions
- Press finish and you will receive your Scheme ID – make note of this so refunds can be transacted directly into your account.
What you need to know

Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard beverage containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible for a refund when returned to a refund point. To be eligible the beverage container must:
- Have contained a beverage product that is not excluded from the scheme. For example, cordials and plain milk are not included in the scheme so containers that have held these products are not eligible for a refund
- Display the refund mark. This is so that the refund point operator can see if the container is part of the scheme. Most containers will already have a refund mark for SA and NT and these containers are eligible under Containers for Change. Beverage manufacturers have 2 years from scheme commencement to display new refund mark.
- Be an approved container. Some containers are made from materials that cannot be recycled. These containers may not be approved (by the Western Australia Government) as an eligible container as the scheme requires that when a refund is paid on a container, that container must be recycled.

There are some beverage containers that are not eligible for a refund. Generally, ineligible containers are those that are less than 150ml and greater than 3L. Other ineligible containers include:
- Any plain milk containers
- Any glass containers which have contained wine or pure spirits
- Containers 1L or more which have contained flavoured milk, pure fruit or vegetable juice, cask wine or cask water
- Concentrated/undiluted cordial or syrup containers
- Sachets above 250ml which have contained wine
- Registered health tonics
Most ineligible containers, such as plain milk bottles and glass wine bottles, can still be recycled through existing kerbside collection or drop-off services.
Want to check the eligibility of a container?
Search up your container barcode here
view a full list of eligible containers HERE
- $80 cash-in-hand limit per person per day.
- $80+ refunds must be transacted through your scheme ID.
- Up to 1500 containers per transaction can be processed through your scheme ID during public refund point hours.
- You will be required to sign a declaration and provide current ID for a 1500 container transaction.
- Bulk transactions of 1500+ containers must be processed at a separate time and through coordination with ABC Foundation Ltd. A handling fee may apply.
- Be kind to staff and volunteers who are doing their best to process your containers quickly and efficiently.
If you are a business or have 1500+ containers you would like to receive a refund for, please contact with approximate levels of containers and your details.
Bag-drop information

Place your containers into a bag.
Make sure you don’t over fill to
ensure your bag does not split or

Either mark your bag clearly, or write
on a piece of paper and place
in a sealed plastic sleeve inside the
bag with:
- Your scheme ID
- Full Name
- Contact Number

Drop your bag into the marked cages
at your local refund point or hand it in to staff collection bag-drops.
REMEMBER: make sure your containers are CLEAN and cleared of any contamination.
Contamination includes:
- sand/dirt
- cigarette butts
- sharps
- lemon/lime
Any container received with contamination, or does not meet the eligibility requirements will not be eligible for a refund.
More information
Two-page summary of Containers for Change
warrrl & containers for change
Containers for Change is run by WA Return Recycle Renew – a not-for-profit company responsible for establishing the collection network and managing its day-to-day operation.
Visit the Containers for Change website for refund point locations and consumer information.
Visit the WARRRL website for business participation information and to register your interest in becoming a donation point.
Government of western Australia - Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Visit the Government of Western Australia Department of Water and Environmental Regulation website for more information on the Government Scheme.