On-Country CARbon

Collaborative Carbon Development Model
Our Vision

The vision of the ABC Foundation Limited’s (ABCFL), On-Country Carbon (OCC) Business Model and Framework is to maximise ‘On-Country’ Aboriginal benefits for its Aboriginal leaseholder partners. We aim to achieve this by creating an overarching Aboriginal Controlled Carbon Aggregator Services model, providing individual ‘project’ partner ownership, and leveraging overall social impact delivery through the foundation.

The point of difference of our model is that we put the Aboriginal leaseholder, their future aspirations, and strategies, funded by the carbon opportunity, first and foremost. We achieve this by ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people retain ownership and management control of their carbon projects while providing investors the opportunity to contribute to positive social and environmental impact programs while lowering their overall carbon footprint.

Carbon Farming

Carbon Farming is simply farming in a way that reduces Greenhouse Gas emissions or captures and holds carbon in vegetation and soils. It is managing land, water, plants and animals to meet the Triple Challenge of Landscape Restoration, Climate Change and Food Security. It seeks to reduce emissions in its production processes, while increasing production and sequestering carbon in the landscape.

In Australia, carbon farming is regulated by the Clean Energy Regulator through the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The ERF is a voluntary scheme that aims to provide incentives for land managers to adopt new practices and technologies to reduce emissions or increase the capture of atmospheric carbon. One ACCU is earned for each tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) stored or avoided by a project.

Carbon Farming Methods Breakdown

Carbon Farming activities that are eligible under the ERF include:

On-Country Carbon Market Place
  1. Human-Induced Regeneration Projects
  2. Environmental Tree Planting Projects
  3. Soil Carbon Sequestration Projects
  4. Biodiversity Credits Projects
  5. R&D Opportunities i.e. Blue Carbon & Alternative Waste Projects
Alternative Carbon overviews

Our Approach

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)

It is the ABC Foundations fundamental belief that the endorsed use of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is essential for leading On-Country activity, ensuring it is valued and aligned both in the Aboriginal and westernsocio-economies.

The role of On-Country Carbon is to support the Foundation by aligning income from carbon offset projects with TEK activities, creating an increased value for the social-ecological benefits derived from looking after country.


The OCC framework incorporates three core elements ensuring Aboriginal people are involved in the overall decision-making process when it comes to carbon and related income activities on their pastoral leases.

  1. Costing out what is required to deliver an ‘On-Country Carbon’ project on Aboriginal Held pastoral leases. ABCFL has the ability through its business partnership model to support the Aboriginal corporation by providing overall management and administration services.
  2. The Aboriginal Carbon Environmental Services (ACES) project proponent entity provides a ‘fit for purpose’ transparent carbon services platform responsible for separating and managing the project risk, trading requirements and overall complexities associated with undertaking Carbon Farming projects. This also provides a place for all key stakeholders at the decision-making table.
  3. As a partner with ABCFL, the OCC framework and business costings model, looks at incorporating the ABCFL social and environmental benefit programs within the carbon financial projections, focusing on benefits supporting both the Aboriginal Corporation and Native Title group. This focus aims to demonstrate what is achievable through both a commercial lens and for those looking to invest in the overall ‘On-Country Impact’. This also provides an opportunity for existing and future funders to provide financial contributions to the partnerships On-Country social and environmental benefits programs and aims to minimise the partnerships reliance of government and/or ad-hoc funding.

Business Model and Impact Measurement statement

The downloadable detailed business model and feasibility assessment provides information on how the ABCFL aims to maximise the On-Country Aboriginal Benefits through carbon farming, by providing holistic socio-economic and environmental investment ready projects for social and environmental investors, carbon off-takers, government funders and community collaborators.

This model and ABCFLs associated Impact Measurement Strategy (IMS) and investor prospectus is a game changer when it comes to measuring and investing in On-Country Aboriginal and environmental benefits through a socio-economic and environmental impact model.


Aboriginal Carbon
Environmental Services (ACES)

Learn More

The ACES team